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Pattingham Village Hall
Who's For Lunch?
12:30pm - 2:30pm
Small Hall
The Who's For Lunch? gatherings in the Village Hall are proving extremely popular. Aimed at those who want to enjoy company over a cold buffet lunch. They are on the third Thursday of each month, from 12:30pm to 2:30pm. It is very helpful with catering to know how many may attend, so just let one of us know you are coming. Please contact Liz or Henry Ibberson 701136, or Ann and Ken Scott, 700355.
Click Here for more information
Jiggy Wrigglers
10:00am - 11:00am
Small Hall
Contact: Katie 07966065643
you can also email at Katie@jiggywrigglers.com
Patchwork Drama
6.00 - 8.00 pm
Pattingham Village Hall
Contact: Henry Ibberson (01902) 701136 or Helen Wallington (01902) 700783
Click Here for more information
10:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Main Hall
Pilates is a method of conditioning that may help build flexibility, muscle strength and endurance in the legs, abdominals, arms, hips, and back. It puts emphasis on spinal and pelvic alignment, breathing and developing a strong core and improving condition and balance.
The cost is £36.00 for a six week block
Contact Mrs Laura Davidson 07751771045
or ld.pilates.ld@g.mail.com by E mail
*Please contact in advance to check availability.
Pattingham Drama Group
8:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Pattingham Drama Group is an amateur drama group based in South Staffordshire. Productions are normally held at our local village hall but we have staged shows at other venues including our parish church and a prison! We have around 50 adult and 30 junior members.
We usually stage two productions each year and try to ensure a balanced programme of drama, comedy and musicals.
Cost: £10.00 per annum for adult Pattingham Drama Group membership.
Contact Kate Hore. Secretary (Hons). 01902 701433 email secretary@pattinghamdramagroup.co.uk
Website: www.pattinghamdramagroup.co.uk