Pattingham Drama Group is an amateur drama group based in South Staffordshire.
Productions are normally held at our local village hall but we have staged shows at other venues including our parish church and a prison!
We have around 50 adult and 30 junior members.
We usually stage two productions each year and try to ensure a balanced programme of drama, comedy and musicals.
Recent productions include: 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', Alan Bennett's 'The Lady in the Van', Francis Durbrige's 'A Touch of Danger' and the hugely popular 'Calendar Girls'
Fancy getting involved? We are always happy to welcome new members, whether your interest is in acting, directing, back-stage or just generally getting involved. Whether you have experience in drama or not, we would love to see you. Hopefully you’ll find us a friendly and welcoming group!
For further information please email the: or Click Here to go to our website.
We put on two major shows a year, with occasional smaller productions, drama workshops and social occasions.
When we are rehearsing, our usual rehearsal nights are Tuesdays and Thursdays.